parental leave member

Become a member   
Renew your membership

CAOT memberships run for 12 consecutive months from the date of registration/renewal.   Membership fees are non-refundable.

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  • Canadian citizen or established primary residency in Canada; and
  • Have successfully completed the National Occupational Therapy Certification Examination; or 
  • Qualified for full registration (without restrictions) from a Canadian occupational therapy regulatory body.
CAOT member who will be, or who plans to be on parental leave for at least 6 consecutive months during your 1-year membership interval $170.00 $212.00

If you return to work prior to completing 6 consecutive months of parental leave,
you will be required to upgrade your insurance and your membership to either Part-Time (working under 800hrs during your membership interval) or Full-Time (working over 800hrs during your membership interval).  Please fill out a Membership Change/Upgrade form and email your completed form to or fax it to 613-523-2552. ***Please note- If you are participating in the monthly payment program do not complete the change/upgrade, please contact the membership department directly to complete your upgrade. 

If you return to work after completing 6 consecutive months of parental leave, no upgrade is required.

PDF icon If you prefer you can register or renew for a full calendar year of membership using a  Membership Renewal Form. Please email completed forms to  or fax them to 613-523-2552.


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If you have any questions, or need assistance completing your registration/renewal, your membership services team would be happy to help! 

Phone: 1-800-434-2268 ext. 601