The power of play: Occupational therapy's role in supporting caregiver participation in play with children with autism spectrum disorder (December 14, 2021)

The power of play: Occupational therapy's role in supporting caregiver participation in play with children with autism spectrum disorder (December 14, 2021)


Presented by: Dr. Julie Yaroni 

Play is a foundational component of child development that leads to the growth of higher level skills such as problem solving, social skills, social-emotional regulation, and more. However, children with autism spectrum disorder experience greater challenges engaging in play compared to their peers. While direct client care is essential, occupational therapists can also play an important role in caregiver education and coaching. By helping caregiver's feel confident and competent using play in an effective way children with autism spectrum disorder can experience greater generalization of skills outside of therapy sessions.  

This webinar will focus on reviewing aspects of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), the benefits of participation in play, challenges caregivers of children with ASD experience, and strategies occupational therapists and occupational therapist assistants can use to support parent participation in play. The webinar will reflect on evidence-based research as well as clinical experiences. Additionally, participants will have an opportunity to reflect and share from their own experiences. 

After taking part in this webinar, participants will be able to: 

  1. Identify at least 3 benefits of child participation in play. 
  2. Identify at least 3 barriers to caregiver participation in play. 
  3. Identify at least 3 strategies occupational therapists/occupational therapy practitioners can use to support caregiver participation in play. 

Intermediate (3-5 years of experience in this specific area of practice,

Julie Yaroni
Option individuelle ou de groupe
Âge des clients
Jeunes enfants (0 à 4 ans)
Enfants (5 à 12 ans)
Champs de pratique
Autisme et neurodiversité
Éducation des partenaires de soins/membres de la famille
Enseignement et supervision de stages
Santé parentale
Durée approximative
1 heure
Renseignements importants
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